Is lane splitting legal in fl. Florida prohibits lane splitting. Is lane splitting legal in fl

Florida prohibits lane splittingIs lane splitting legal in fl  Many Californians find it convenient as motorcyclists and moped drivers can go around the

Though there are 50 states, only a few have legalized the act of lane splitting but many of the states including Louisiana have made it illegal keeping in mind the dangerous and deadly. Filtering is legal. Lane sharing, which is also known as lane is splitting, is when a motorcyclist is able to ride alongside other motorists (or between them) in the same lane space. It is also known as “white lining” or “striping. Motorcycle lane splitting has been around since the beginning of the motor age. In his former life, he ran companies with recognizable brand names. The short answer is yes: lane sharing is legal in the state. This is a great way for motorcycles to avoid traffic congestion, and it is also a great way to stay safe on the road. 4. French riders staged protests in multiple cities in 2021 when the possibility of a lane-splitting ban in that country was raised. Allow legal lane splitting in PA to protect motorcycle riders and increase traffic flow. . Riding a motorcycle in-between lanes in Florida will result in a traffic ticket – whether the motorcyclist is doing so safely or not. Legal. Lane splitting is illegal in Florida. If you or a family member was in an accident involving lane splitting in Texas, call an experienced San Antonio personal injury lawyer at Janicek Law. In 2017, California passed a law permitting lane splitting, making it the only state allowing motorcyclists to split lanes. In Florida, lane splitting is illegal. It’s not enforced at all, but the traffic law actually states that during stopped traffic a motorcyclist must filter all the way to the front for higher visibility, and use the designated motorcycle spots. The Committee is currently debating the bill. Defining “Lane Splitting” in the Florida Statutes. I don't lane split in Florida, just because I know drivers aren't expecting it. Lane Splitting Laws in Texas. Regardless of its commonality, lane splitting is unsafe and illegal — and lane splitting without knowing the implications can be dangerous. Motorcyclists may choose to ride side-by-side with another motorcyclist, but they cannot share the lane with another vehicle or drive between lanes of traffic. At the same time, the law prohibits motorcycles. They argue that making lane splitting legal will improve motorcycle safety. Lane splitting is a practice that involves a motorcyclist driving between two lanes of traffic that is at a standstill or moving very slowly. 4 Florida Helmet Laws All Motorcyclists Should Know. 316. In most states, including Florida, lane-sharing is legal. C. Motorcyclists may split a lane of traffic to move past slower-moving vehicles. Due to their relatively small size, the bikes are able to weave in and out of traffic, allowing drivers to get places much faster. Whenever the riders lose control, they may crash into vehicles they are trying to split. The Benefits of States Legalizing Lane Splitting. Lane splitting is illegal in Florida. While the more commonly adhered to practice of lane sharing, in which two motorcycles ride side by side in the same lane, is perfectly legal in Florida just like it is in every other state apart from California, lane splitting is illegal. e. It can be dangerous, requiring advanced riding skills, and can lead to accidents. Lane splitting is the act of riding a motorcycle beside cars within the same lane, usually when traffic is slow or stopped. However, in Florida, lane-splitting is illegal, and if a motorcyclist. Motorcyclists can face criminal charges if they split lanes while driving in Florida. In California, lane splitting is prohibited near freeway exits and onramps. ”. This practice is illegal in Texas and can land motorcyclists in trouble. In the United States, lane splitting is illegal in most states, with a few states allowing it with some exceptions. In most accounts of lane splitting experiences, people tend to combine splitting and filtering into a single category. 5 Motorcycle Headlights are Required. (803) 226 9089. According to Florida’s lane splitting laws, it is illegal to deprive another driver of the full use of a lane. Drivers don’t usually expect to see lane splitting motorcyclists, so if. the legality of lane splitting varies from state to state. You may be able to avoid legal action by contacting an attorney right away. This means that there is no specific law that prohibits or allows lane splitting. 316. The law clearly states that “It is illegal to operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. And pretty much anywhere else there is heavy traffic. California is one such state where lane splitting has been legal for many years. Florida lane splitting law. 209, motorcyclists are prohibited from operating motorcycles between lanes of traffic or adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. There are a number of arguments for and against lane splitting. California. In these states, lane splitting is. Is Lane Filtering Legal In Florida? In Florida, lane filtering and splitting is considered a legal practice for motorcyclists. First, not only is lane-sharing or lane-splitting legal in California, but the CHP wrote the safety guidelines as instructed in AB51, which was approved by Gov. It is against the law to impede a motorcyclist in a way that could endanger the rider. Lane Sharing is Permitted In Florida According to Florida Statutes § 316. Lane splitting is just asking for injury. While lane splitting involves a motorcyclist riding down the center line rather than traveling directly in front of or behind a car, lane sharing usually means that two motorcyclists are riding side by side in. In 2016, it became the first state to legalize it. In Texas, lane splitting is unlawful, but most states have no laws prohibiting it. Lane splitting is amazing. Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic. Lane filtering/splitting is defined by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) as “using or sharing a lane already occupied by one vehicle by another vehicle such as a motorcycle or scooter on a road or highway. 4 percent versus 15. The state doesn’t allow lane splitting but you can’t ride on the shoulder of the road when traffic is heavy. However, lane splitting is illegal in Florida. However lane-splitting riders who were involved in collisions were also more than twice as likely to rear-end another vehicle (38. In summary, lane splitting is safe, it reduces traffic, it keeps your motorcycle from overheating, and it's legal in California. is legal only in California. The law fell through but was reintroduced in 2019 as Senate Bill 5254. Utah has its own rules on the matter. (1) All motorcycles are entitled to. It is worth noting that in the state of Florida, lane splitting is currently not recognized as a legal maneuver on public roads. Utah uses the term lane filtering to describe the practice and defines it thusly: “Lane filtering” means, when operating a motorcycle other than an autocycle, the act of overtaking and. When a. Curtis wrote into Spectrum Bay News 9 asking that the law be explained. This blog will explain ‘lane-splitting,’ discuss. In these states, lane splitting is illegal, and can result in a ticket or fine. Given the current trends in Pennsylvania traffic laws, it doesn’t look like it will become legal anytime soon. California is the only state in the USA where lane splitting is legal. Lane Splitting Laws in Texas The Current Legislation. This has been shown to help reduce motorcycle accidents caused by rear-ending in states like California where lane splitting is legal. G. Florida Statutes §316. While HB 4122 outlawed lane splitting in Texas, on the flip side it made it legal for two motorcyclists to ride together in the. SECTION 209. According to the Florida Statute section 316. Motorcycles may filter under 10 miles per hour. Lane splitting is illegal. Lane splitting occurs when a motorcyclist drives between lanes of slower-moving traffic. The practice of passing by riding between two occupied lanes of traffic, which is known as “lane splitting” is unlawful in Florida. The legislative and law enforcement advice that follows this list does not mention lane splitting or suggest laws be changed with regard to lane splitting. So, if you were the motorcyclist in a lane-splitting accident, even if it was the other car that hit you, you might be partially responsible for your injuries for. Chapter 316 STATE UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL Entire Chapter. The law says that: Motorcyclists are not allowed to ride between lanes of traffic, adjacent lines, or rows of slowed or stopped vehicles. Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent. There is no better place to split lanes than in The Golden State. The state’s Assembly Bill 51, introduced in 2016, defined lane splitting and provided guidelines, allowing motorcyclists to safely lane split at speeds not exceeding 10 mph above the traffic flow, and as long as they do so in a safe and prudent manner. However, it is not a criminal offense—it is a traffic violation. But there is a law that says that if a motorist is traveling in excess of 50 mph and is about to enter the highway from an intersection, they must yield to traffic entering from that direction. Although it was never “illegal,” the state of California enacted house bill AB 51 to officially make lane splitting legal. What Is Florida’s Law on Lane Splitting? Florida, like most other states, is prohibited from lane-filtering and white-lining. Lane-Splitting Is Against the Law in Florida. Lane splitting, because of its controversial nature, has initiated many safety studies reviewing its practice and its outcome. ”Most places define lane splitting as doing it at speed. state that has legalized lane-splitting is California. For many motorcycle riders in Texas, lane splitting remains a lofty wish as it is currently illegal (2023). Experts in this state do recommend that motorcyclists only go ten miles per hour above the speed of the surrounding traffic and that they avoid lane splitting over speeds of 30 miles per hour. In Florida, it is illegal to drive a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles, according to Florida Statute 316. California has had lane-splitting laws on the books for a few years now, and studies were even conducted by Dr. 3 Lane-Splitting is Illegal. (706) 437 9122. As always when riding a motorcycle, use caution when lane sharing. Austin is an experienced business leader and passionate rider. California is the only state where lane splitting is legal. 209. In 2013, a study also found that lane-splitting is practiced by 36% of California Motorcyclists. Curtis has been riding for nearly 60. Ultimately, though lane splitting is not expressly outlawed in North Carolina, all road users have a legal duty to use reasonable care to avoid causing accidents. Is Lane Splitting Legal? | States Where Lane Splitting Is Legal California was the first state to make lane splitting legal in 2016 and is currently the only state that allows this type of riding. state that has legalized lane-splitting is California. It's a small, cramped place compared to the CONUS, so as long as one is not speeding or being stupid, cops don't react to riders squeezing between stopped or slow-moving cars in order. More often, lane splitting refers to riding between faster-moving traffic — a practice that is common globally but within the U. Lane-splitting is governed by state law, which varies from state to state. Lane splitting laws by state. Law enforcement officials treat lane splitting as a moving violation, which means that you can receive a ticket for lane splitting and be required to pay a fine. Whether or not lane splitting was involved, if you were injured in a motorcycle accident at no. Not specifically prohibited in state law. In Louisiana, splitting lanes is illegal. Many riders swear by lane splitting in congested stop-and-go traffic, where sitting in the middle of a lane leaves them open to being rear-ended by distracted drivers. § 40-6-312, lane splitting is illegal in Georgia. March 19, 2023 Lane splitting is against the law in Florida. As of August 2016, the state of California has passed a law making lane splitting legal. Should Florida Make Lane Splitting Legal? Florida is second to California in the number of registered motorcycles on its highways–over 550,000. By Idrizi Law Group. Lane splitting is not necessarily the safest riding practice but should be enjoyed by. Depending on a country there can be some restrictions - for example in Germany it's legal only when the car traffic is slow or stationary - or it might be straight out illegal, but tolerated to a degree, such as in Slovakia. Normalization is in full swing in Texas as an explosion of riders from CA has encouraged widespread splitting and filtering in cities. 2 You Have to Keep Both Wheels on the Ground. Florida law specifically prohibits the practice of lane splitting. This means that motorcyclists cannot share lanes or ride between vehicles. The splitting rider may not stop in time if they change lanes. While lane splitting allows for a faster commute and can be a convenient way to get around traffic, you must follow the local lane-splitting law. However, since splitting lanes is not preferred, is it really worth the risk? Although due to safety concerns. 827 Liberty St, Waynesboro, GA 30830, United States. Calls to the Law Tigers phone number are automatically routed to the member lawyers admitted to practice law in the. On the other hand, it is legal in California and many parts of the world, including Asia and Europe. Some have laws that specifically allow it, others have pending legislation, some have no laws, and others make it illegal. Will Lane Splitting Ever be Legal in FL? It is not currently being considered in the Florida legislature whether or not lane splitting should be made legal. Lane-splitting or filtering is the act of riding a motorcycle on the lane separation lines on a highway. 7 percent). There are 10 states where it's not specifically legal or banned. According to Florida Statutes § 316. S. One of the most common reasons for this law is that lane-splitting is often considered dangerous—not just for motorcycle riders but other motorists on the road. But Trooper Steve said Florida is one of the few states that do not allow a motorcyclist to drive between two separate vehicles, splitting a travel lane. 53 votes, 42 comments. With a study revealing that Florida’s rush hour commutes are some of the worst in the country, this technique seems toNo, Lane splitting is currently illegal in Wisconsin, so doing so here would be akin to breaking the law. Lane splitting was common in. It is, therefore, technically legal by default. Florida Statute 316. The Maryland 2/3rds of 495 especially is monstrously dangerous for motorcycles already. Lane sharing involves two motorcyclists riding side by side in one lane. Depending on the county you are driving in, the penalties for alleged lane splitting will vary. Florida Statutes § 316. Other vehicles are not allowed to infringe upon that right by riding in the motorcyclist’s space in a lane. Florida has a law against lane splitting, no matter how tempting it may be. Lane splitting is legal in some states, while it is illegal in others. According to Code O. Does lane splitting cause more accidents? There was a 12% increase in crashes caused by motorcycle lane splitting. Some states have laws that allow drivers to “lane split. Title XXIII MOTOR VEHICLES. However, as of 2021, no bills have been passed that would legalize lane splitting in Florida. Lane splitting is a dangerous activity that puts the motorcyclist and other drivers at risk. While there is no risk of serving any time in jail for lane-splitting, you could have to pay a fine depending on which county you were in when. Lane sharing refers to when motorcyclists travel in the same lane, side-by-side, or slightly staggered, with one motorcycle a short distance ahead. Is Lane-Splitting Legal in New Jersey. Motorcycles must obey stop signs and red lights and cannot speed. This is different from lane sharing, where motorcyclists ride inside the lines, side by side. Lane splitting is not clearly considered illegal in Ohio. On the other hand, it is legal in California and many parts of the world, including Asia and Europe. . s. Motorcyclists should be aware of the laws in their state before attempting lane filtering. Vehicle drivers should be aware that it’s illegal to intentionally block or impede a motorcyclist in any way. Operating motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic. Receive expert legal help for lane-splitting claims, reach out to us for a free consultation to fight for the compensation you deserve. 209 is where the Florida law on motorcycle lane-splitting is spelled out. Currently, California is the only state in the United States where lane splitting is legal. ” The section goes on to say that firefighters and police officers are exempt from these laws when they are lane. Only California has passed legislation allowing lane splitting. . When traffic is at a standstill, but motorcycles keep moving, that is a different practice called “filtering. States where modified versions of lane-splitting have been legalized: Utah; From the distribution presented above, it appears that California is the only state where lane-splitting is declaredly legal. Lane Splitting Laws in Texas. “Let’s trust the state patrol, as well as CDOT to do a study on this and. While lane splitting is only legal in California, lane filtering is permissible. According to Oregon Vehicle Code ORS 814. Texas Transportation Code § 545. Florida law specifically prohibits overtaking in the same lane as the vehicle you are passing, or operating a motorcycle between or adjacent to rows of vehicles. Lane splitting in Fort Lauderdale involves motorcycle riders. It is illegal in Florida and can be dangerous for both the rider and other drivers. Lane splitting is allowed in many European countries and last year California became the first U. Lane splitting is neither legal nor illegal in New Jersey. The law authorizes the California Highway Patrol (CHP) to develop educational guidelines relating to lane splitting in a manner that would ensure the safety of motorcyclists, drivers, and passengers. Florida. By Idrizi Law Group. Lane splitting is outlawed in 49 states in the United States. However, lane splitting is illegal in Florida for motorcyclists. A. Often, motorcyclists have the opinion that lane splitting is completely safe. In the realm of state regulations, Florida emerges as one that unequivocally prohibits lane splitting. GREEN State: Lane splitting is specifically legal. Calls to the Law Tigers phone number are automatically routed. 209 (3), no individual is permitted to operate a motorcycle between traffic lanes or adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. But is it legal in Florida? Lane splitting is a hot topic that often sparks debates among riders and drivers alike. Several petitions have circulated online seeking support for lane splitting, but. Some may argue that motorcyclists have more freedom on the road due to their ability to lane split. Suite 101-6 33544. It’s hard to believe that lane splitting in Texas is illegal when motorcycle riders always do it. S. Motorcycle lane splitting has been around since the beginning of the motor age. However, there are four more states- Arizona, Hawaii, Montana, and Utah where lane filtering is allowed with certain restrictions. If you want to know if lane separation is legal in Florida and other information about your legal rights after a car accident, we`re here to help. Is lane-splitting legal in Florida? Lane-splitting is not legal in Florida. Thus, it is an unacceptable act. According to §316. Motorcyclists must adhere to certain etiquette and safety guidelines when lane splitting. Lane-Splitting in California. Many bikers, on the other hand, feel that lane splitting is safer than driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic, since motorcycles frequently become caught between larger cars while stuck in gridlock. 6. 209(2): The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. Lane-sharing. Lane splitting is the practice of a motorcycle rider driving between lanes of stopped or slow-moving cars. —. However, many riders do not realize that lane-splitting is not legal in North Carolina, and some knowingly violate. ”. The short answer to this question from a legal standpoint is no. 209 Law Before Doing Lane Splitting In FloridaLane sharing is legal in Florida, but lane splitting is not. In lane sharing, you’re allowing other traffic to use the unused portion of a lane. 5621. This includes operating a motorcycle between lanes in traffic or on the lane lines. increasing your already very high chances of losing your life or getting severely injured riding a motorcycle in South Florida. . Is Lane Splitting Legal in Florida? No, passing in the same lane is not legal 316. Many argue that lane splitting keeps motorcyclists safer. (30%) than Texas or Florida, states with comparable riding seasons where lane-splitting is either banned (Florida) or not. At the present time, only one state—California—has specifically declared lane-splitting to be. In some states, such as California, the operation is legal as it serves to keep traffic moving. With the sun and the beaches. Lane filtering sometimes happens at intersections, the place a motorcyclist advances to the entrance of the road of vehicles stopped at a crimson mild. Consequences of Lane Splitting in Florida. Consequently, the State of Florida does not permit lane splitting due to its high rate of motorcycle. April 17, 2012 at 8:26 AM. In Idaho, lane splitting is strictly illegal. Lane splitting is illegal in Florida. Florida’s eye protection law – All motorcycle riders in Florida must wear eye protection unless they are riding within enclosed cabs or on motorcycles with engines of 50 cc or smaller. 505, motorcycles are not allowed to overtake other vehicles within the same lane. Lane splitting is not permitted in Mississippi, but it is not illegal in other states. Published February 6, 2023 at 8:00 AM EST. Motorcycles are not allowed on roads where lane splitting is. One practice that has sparked controversy and garnered attention is the act of lane splitting, also known as lane filtering or white lini ng. Many motorcycle riders in the United States, including North Carolina, use this maneuver to bypass traffic jams. ”. With that bit of legal information, I am completely befuddled as to why not one, but two separate riders decided today was the day to start doing it. Florida does not presently have any law that addresses this issue. 156 Laurens St NW, Aiken, SC 29801, United States. This forward-thinking state has allowed motorcycles to lane-split for some time by dint of a vague "it’s not illegal" stance. Lane splitting refers to the act of riding a motorcycle between lanes of traffic on a roadway. Lane splitting is illegal in most states, but is common in California. Lane splitting is the practice of riding your motorcycle between lanes of slowed or stopped traffic. As always when riding a motorcycle, use caution when lane sharing. The Legal Status of Lane Splitting. Yes, motorcyclists can share a driving lane side-by-side in Texas. Law Tigers is a qualifying provider service in Florida. 209 is the state law that regulates the operation of vehicles on the road. Florida Statute 316. However, although there has been supporting to pass this law, lane splitting is still illegal in Texas as of 2023. Lane-splitting is the practice of motorcycles riding in between lanes of moving or still traffic on busy freeways and highways. Florida motorcycle lane splitting is when a motorcycle or group of motorcycles decides to pass traffic between lanes to avoid being delayed. 209 (3), no, lane splitting is not legal in Florida. Lane splitting is a practice that involves a motorcyclist driving between two lanes of traffic that is at a standstill or moving very slowly. Every bit of research I've come across indicates that not only is lane splitting safe, but is actually safer than not lane splitting. Lane Splitting is Illegal in Florida. Lane sharing generally refers to two motorcyclists sharing space in the. Whether or not lane separation is safe really depends on how it is done. 316. Is Lane Splitting Illegal in Florida? Lane splitting is illegal in Florida. An attorney at Ernst Law Group can protect. Unlike lane splitting, lane sharing is legal in Florida. At the present time, only one state—California—has specifically declared lane-splitting to be legal. However, this does not mean that it is completely legal. Violation of this law may result in fines and penalties assessed by law enforcement. The lack of legislation on this issue leaves room for interpretation and enforcement by law enforcement officers. 209 permits motorcycles to take up a full lane, yet prohibits motorcycles from traveling between lanes of traffic or “between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. 209 (3) reads “no person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles,” making this practice illegal throughout the state. While lane splitting allows for a faster commute and can be a convenient way to get around traffic, you must follow the local lane-splitting law. Montana. Currently, lane splitting is banned in every state except for one – California, which lifted its ban on lane splitting in 2016. Lane splitting is useful in situations where air cooled motorcycles are at risk of overheating in the hot Florida sun in bumper to bumper traf. FL (R/T) 89A-Sedona, Grand Canyon NP 2012/2013 -FM 170-River Road, Big Bend CO Rocky Mtn. Some argue that it can help alleviate traffic congestion and improve safety for motorcyclists. Technically, lane splitting is the term for riders who are moving while the traffic around them is also moving. Lane splitting is illegal in the state of Florida. 209 permits motorcycles to take up a full lane, yet prohibits motorcycles from traveling between lanes of traffic or “between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. A motorcyclist would have a way to escape when trapped between two vehicles in stopped or slow-moving traffic. However, any motorcyclist pulled over can get a ticket and face fines of $100 or more. Under this law, lane splitting is illegal in Florida. Lane Filtering – Utah was the first state to allow lane filtering in 2019. In fact, the only state that currently allows lane splitting is California, so if you’re not in the Sunshine State, avoid tickets and fines by following the same protocols for passing as you would in a car. 3 “Ape Hanger” Handlebars. With lane-filtering, however, it’s become clear that law enforcement in different states and cities approach the matter differently, regardless of what local laws say. For example, motorcycles are much more difficult to see on the road, which can lead drivers to. . This is when two motorcycles utilize the same lane side-by-side. Depending on a country there can be some restrictions - for example in Germany it's legal only when the car traffic is slow or stationary - or it might be straight out illegal, but tolerated to a degree, such as in Slovakia. It is controversial, and its legality varies from place to place. Lane-splitting is not legal in Florida. The bill was named AB-51. This law prohibits the operation of a motorcycle “between lanes or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles. Is Lane Splitting Legal? | States Where Lane Splitting Is Legal California was the first state to make lane splitting legal in 2016 and is currently the only state that allows this type of riding. Lane splitting laws in Texas can be found under Section 545. C. 209. Lane splitting is legal in some areas of the United States, while it is illegal in others. LEOs have generally acquiesced, and lane-sharing is very common in urban TX Dallas: Dallas PD is slightly more conservative and likely to enforce traffic violations FloridaIs lane splitting legal in Texas? Truth is, Texas has no law that explicitly mentions lane splitting. Note that motorcyclists should adhere to traffic rules and regulations like any other vehicle. Supporters of the practice argue that it can help to reduce. Nearly every state nationwide has banned this practice, deciding that the risks of lane-splitting outweigh the benefits. However, this does not mean that it is completely legal. 209 articles 2-4, which read: (2) The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken. In 2016, however, lane-splitting became 100% legal – not without limitations, but legal nonetheless. This means that lane splitting, as commonly understood, is prohibited in Wisconsin. 209 (3) reads “no person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles,” making this practice illegal throughout the state. Lane splitting is currently illegal in Florida, but there is a bill pending in the state legislature that would make it legal. It’s an efficient way to make progress and reach your destination faster. Florida motorcycle lane splitting is when a motorcycle or group of motorcycles decides to pass traffic between lanes to avoid being delayed. (Senate Bill 1273) Arkansas. Florida. 209 (3), it expressly prohibits the act of lane splitting. Lane sharing is legal in Florida, but only if no more than two motorcycles share the lane. The state of Florida considers lane splitting to be illegal and dangerous behavior. GREY States: Lane splitting is not specifically illegal, but neither is it legal. But Texas just passed a law banning the practice, being the latest to do so. In Montana, lane splitting is legal to do so when conditions are safe for motorcycles moving under 20 mph in traffic. However, the legislation differs from state to state, so motorcyclists should inform themselves before crossing the borders. 316. This can be done either while the traffic in the adjacent lanes is stopped or moving slowly. A: Florida lawmakers have banned lane splitting, citing the fact that the practice can potentially increase the risk of serious motorcycle accidents. 5 Motorcycle Headlights are Required. There is currently no legislation in Florida addressing this topic, but it will likely be discussed in. (1) All motorcycles are entitled to. Lane splitting can be dangerous, and it is important to be aware of the risks and not attempt them. This is legal in Florida and most other jurisdictions – if there are only two motorcycles. In some states, it is legal only under certain conditions, such as during congested trafficThough lane splitting is a technique for motorcycles to perform on the roadway, it is illegal to do it in Washington as it has been causing many accidents. Lane splitting is not specifically illegal or prohibited by law in Florida. Lane splitting in Florida is illegal under Florida Statute 316. Squeezing between cars is nothing new, but the practice is controversial. However, it is not a criminal offense—it is a traffic violation. Advertisement. However, you can get legal help if a lane splitting motorcyclist hits you by contacting Distasio Law Firm. California actually lifted their ban on lane splitting in 2016, and it is thought that many other states have considered bringing in new legislation that legalizes lane splitting. According to the state’s traffic laws, specifically Wisconsin Statute 346. California is the most well-known state when it comes to the legality of lane splitting.